Tagged with 'soloing'
3-Note-Per-String Scale Fingerings, Guitars & Humor
3-Note Per String Scale Fingerings Technically fast guitarists for whom speed and technical playing is a major part of their style, LOVE using these 3-note-per string scale fingerings. As you can see on the following graphic, those fingerings are not in-position fingerings. Each fingering combines 2 positions; with a physical move up into the next … 3-Note-Per-String Scale Fingerings, Guitars & Humor

Tagged guitar solos, improvisation, scale fingerings, scales, soloing, speed
10 Guitar Things You Can Practice Without a Guitar
The Value of Practicing Away From The Guitar Although you might not always have a guitar at hand to practice on the spot, there are many things you can still practice when you don’t have a guitar with you. As a matter of fact: really great musicians have gotten to the level they are at … 10 Guitar Things You Can Practice Without a Guitar

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