Tagged with 'The Study Of Harmony | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande'
The Diminished 7th Chord and How To Use It.
Diminished 7th Chords. You Know This Sound You’ve all heard this chord sound before. It is the chord the piano player in silent movies ALWAYS plays when something terrible, frightening, or dramatic is about to happen. The piano player then typically plays the dim7 chord moving up in minor 3rd intervals to build to a … The Diminished 7th Chord and How To Use It.
The Study Of Musical Intervals Part 8: The Octave
The Octave. This is a continuation of past 7 blogs on intervals. You can check those blogs here: The Study of Musical Intervals Part 1 The Study of Musical Intervals Part 2: The 2nd Interval The Study of Musical Intervals Part 3: The 3rd Interval The Study of Musical Intervals Part 4: The 4th Interval … The Study Of Musical Intervals Part 8: The Octave

Tagged Chords | - Part 3 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Intervals | - Part 2 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Music Theory | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, The Study Of Harmony | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande
The Study Of Musical Intervals on Guitar: The 7th Interval
The Minor 7th. This is a continuation of past 6 blogs on intervals. You can check those blogs here: The Study of Musical Intervals Part 1 The Study of Musical Intervals Part 2: The 2nd Interval The Study of Musical Intervals Part 3: The 3rd Interval The Study of Musical Intervals Part 4: The 4th … The Study Of Musical Intervals on Guitar: The 7th Interval

Tagged Chords | - Part 3 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Intervals | - Part 2 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Music Theory | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, The Study Of Harmony | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande
Fun Ways To Practice Musical Intervals.
Fun Exercises To Practice Musical Intervals I have great news for you!! You will be able to memorize ALL 12 intervals in a reasonable short amount of time, AND have tons of fun in the process. The exercises described in this blog will help you with that. Solo over C major songs linearly. Pick a … Fun Ways To Practice Musical Intervals.

Tagged Chords | - Part 3 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Intervals | - Part 2 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Music Theory | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Practicing Guitar | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, The Study Of Harmony | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande
The Study of Musical Intervals Part 6: The 6th Interval
The Minor 6th This is a continuation of the past 4 blogs on intervals. You can check those blogs here: The Study of Musical Intervals Part 1 The Study of Musical Intervals Part 2: The 2nd Interval The Study of Musical Intervals Part 3: The 3rd Interval The Study of Musical Intervals Part 4: The … The Study of Musical Intervals Part 6: The 6th Interval

Tagged Chords | - Part 3 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Intervals | - Part 2 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Music Theory | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, The Study Of Harmony | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande