#1 Rated BEST Guitar & Music Teacher in Los Angeles & Santa Clarita
I know I mention on my website here and on GuitarVoyage.com that CBS News ranked me the best guitar teacher in Los Angeles, and I know that anyone can just Google this or look it up to verify my claims, but I figured — why not just show you the mentions and awards in a blog?
#1 Rated BEST Guitar & Music Teacher in Los Angeles
Here you can see the Google listing of the CBS News article about me being the best place to learn guitar in Los Angeles:
Here’s what CBS News Posted about me:
#1 Rated BEST Guitar & Music Teacher in Santa Clarita
I received news that DistinguishedTeaching.com awarded me the #1 Best Guitar Teacher in Santa Clarita early 2024.
Here’s the award notification they sent me:
Here you can see my 1st place rating at their website
Other Fun Rankings and Listings I Made
A book I published 3-4 years ago (“Guitar Essentials”), entered Amazon’s top 100 best-seller’s list again at #22 at the start of 2025. It was fun starting 2025 as a best-selling author again.
You can find Guitar Essentials here
My fretboard training book Master The Guitar Fretboard has been doing really well too. I was Amazon Best Seller again with that book in December
You can Master The Guitar Fretboard here:
Vreny the Jazz Guitarist 🙂
A couple of years I found out that the reputable jazz musicians website AllAboutJazz.com lists me as a jazz guitarist haha.
You can see that here:
Honorable Mention in Annual USA Songwriting Competition
And lastly, Berklee Today (the Berklee Alumni magazine) listed me in their 2011 edition as the recipient of an honorable mention for one of my songs I had submitted to the 15th Annual USA Songwriting Competition.
Of course, I am not just sharing all this to “toot my own horn” haha. (I hope you all know me better than that lol)
But I AM sharing all this to reconfirm that if you want to learn guitar with me or become a much better musician fast under my teaching, you are in good hands (as all the above shows).
And now you can study with me for a whole year for the cost of only 2 private lessons through my online site: GuitarVoyage.com.
My students say it’s exactly like learning with me in person!
Not only that, you can also earn a great deal of money if you sign up for GuitarVoyage’s referral program, which I strongly recommend. You can find out more about that and sign up here: Refer a Friend to GuitarVoyage.
You’ll earn 20% commission on any sale your referral generates — a great source of extra income.
Together, let’s make the world a better place through music.